[白月字幕组千夏字幕组VCBStudio] Gochuumon wa Usagi Desuka? 请问您今天要来点兔子吗? 10bit 1080p HEVCAVC BDRip [S1S2 + OVA + LIVE Reseed Fin]

动漫搬运工 2020-9-16 397


请问您今天要来点兔子吗? / Gochuumon wa Usagi Desuka? / ご注文はうさぎですか? S1-S2 + OVA1-2 + LIVE BDRip Reseed
S1: 10-bit 1080p AVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 750 MB。内封评论音轨。
S2: 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。每话约 650 MB。
LIVE: 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。LIVE 约 10.5 GB。
Dear My Sister: 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。OVA 约 1.9 GB。
Sing For You: 10-bit 1080p HEVC + FLAC,MKV 格式。OVA 约 500 MB。

Lolita is justice !
Lolita ist Gerechtigkeit !
Lolita est la justice !
Лолита справедливость !

这个项目第一季与 白月字幕组 合作,第二季和 OVA 与 千夏字幕组合作。感谢他们精心制作的字幕。
The first season is in cooperation with Hakugetsu and the second season and OVAs are in cooperation with Airota. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.

兔子第一季的画质还是不错的,虽然偶尔有略强的色带。因为背景有大量容易被去色带破坏的细节,所以自己权衡了下去色带的强度。画风柔和 + 动态少使得这番比较省码率。


点兔剧场版的原生分辨率比起 TV 两季度有所提升,纹理丰富,噪点也很少,但原盘线条明显可见由于官方拉升造成的晕轮和细小锯齿,平面区域有色带。因此,我们主要对线条进行抗锯齿和去晕轮操作,对平面区域进行去色带,再轻微锐化纹理以提升观感,并保留了全部噪点。点兔一向画风柔和,动态也不多,所以即使采用高还原度参数压制,体积依然很小。

Sing For You 的蓝光原盘画风柔和,没有什么噪点。画风与本作软萌可舔的人设和剧情非常相符。因为噪点的缺失,原盘暗场处有着很重的色带,编码前我们针对性地消除了色带问题。因为线条柔和,没有什么动态场景,本番属于非常节省码率的那种,因此成品体积虽然显得很小,还原度却足够令人满意。

The image of Gochiusa S1 is pretty good, although with some occasional strong banding. Since the background has a lot of details that can easily be destroyed by de-banding, we weighed the intensiveness of de-banding. Soft imaging and low motion saved lots of bitrate.

The image quality of Season 2 is even better than Season 1 probably thanks to the endless purchases made by lolicons, therefore the funding for this season looks rich. PP only includes occasional de-banding.

There is an obvious improvement in the effective resolution of this OVA, with rich texture and low noise. However, there are modest aliasing and ringing effects around the edges due to the upscale in the BD mastering. Also, banding artifacts are found in the smooth area. Therefore, we applied AA, de-ringing and debanding to the image, along with contra-sharpening to improve the visual quality and retain all the noises. Thanks to the smooth image and limited motion, we managed to keep a low bitrate even with the encoding settings aiming for transparency.

The image style of Sing For You is soft and without much grain, which fits in greatly with the adorable characters and lovely stories. As there's little grain, dark scenes have very strong colour-banding. We targeted it with de-banding before encoding. This OVA is very bitrate-saving because of soft lines and little motion, and the final product is pretty satisfactory although the file size looks small.

因为点兔官方两年间一直持续以第二季的名义出 CD,导致 Reseed 时自购 CD 和负责整理的组员一直在“终于把 CD 收集齐了可以准备发了"和“wtf 怎么又出了 10 张新 CD 果然还是等等出全了 CD 再发吧"之间反复横跳 —— 冰淇淋不是鸽子

早在 2018 年儿童节发布点兔 OVA1 时就已经提上日程的点兔合集 Reseed,在鸽了两年多之后,赶在第三季开播之前终于完工了。本次重发主要是增加和替换了由千夏字幕组提供的特效字幕以及补全了 CD 和扫图。暌违四年的点兔 TV 版终于要开始放送了,希望 Rabbit House 的轻松日常能再次为我们带来欢乐和感动。

1. 按照现行规范重新命名和整理视频;
2. 补齐 CD (共 45 张 CD 和 30 份 HR)、扫图 (共 4 份 BD 和 3 份动画官方画集);
3. 删除 readme about WebP.txt。

1. 合并 SP06 中增补的 Rabbit House Tea Party 2014,合并 SP09 中修复的字幕(统一字幕字体风格),增补 BD Box Menu 01-06;
2. 切割正片 03、04、07、08、09、10 和 SP CM01-03、Menu02-05 的过长音轨, 修复正片 06 的过短音轨,修复 Tea Party 2014 AAC 音轨的 20ms delay 问题;
3. 删除正片 04、06、11 和 SP Tea Party 2014 的多余章节;
4. 增补 order the songs CD 扫图,增补 BD Box、TV Guide Book: Memorial Blend 和中文版官方画集的扫图。

1. 增加千夏字幕组提供的简繁字幕;
2. 合并 SP08 中增补的 NCOP、NCED、MV,增补 BD Box Menu 01-06;
3. 切割 SP Menu01-06、CHINO Birthday Party 的过长音轨;
4. 删除正片 01、02、04、06、08、10、12 和 SP CHINO Birthday Party 的多余章节;
5. 增补 BD 分卷、BD Box 和 TV Guide Book: Miracle Blend 的扫图。

Rabbit House Tea Party 2016 修正:
1. 切割过长的正片音轨。

请问您今天要来点兔子吗?? ~Dear My Sister~ 修正:
1. 增加千夏字幕组提供的简繁字幕;
2. 修正错误的特典 CD 命名与 CD Metadata;
3. 增加 BD 扫图 (组员自购自扫)。

请问您今天要来点兔子吗?? ~Sing For You~ 修正:
1. 替换千夏字幕组提供的简繁特效字幕;
2. 增补印象曲 CD 扫图 (组员自购自扫)。

Reseed comment:
This reseed has been on the list since we uploaded OVA1 back on the International Children's Day in 2018. After two year's procrastination, the reseed is final here right before season 3. This reseed is mainly about adding subtitles from Airota and complementing CD and scans. The third season is finally going to air after a long waiting four-year period, and we hope that Rabbit House can still bring us joy and sensation through its relaxing everyday life.

Overall comment:
1. Renamed and re-arranged videos according to the current standard;
2. Complemented CD (45 CDs & 30 HR in total) and scan (4 from BD & 3 from the official illustration book);
3. Removed readme about WebP.txt.

Comment for S1:
1. Integrated Rabbit House Tea Party 2014 from ServicePack 06, integrated fixed subtitles from ServicePack 09, added BD Box Menu 01-06;
2. Cut overtly long audio tracks for EP 03, 04, 07, 08, 09, 10, SP CM01-03 and Menu02-05, fixed overly short audio track for EP 06, fixed the 20ms AAC audio delay issue for Tea Party 2014;
3. Removed redundant chapters from EP04, 06, 11 and SP Tea Party 2014;
4. Added scans for order the songs CD, added scans from BD Box, TV Guide Book: Memorial Blend and the official Chinese illustration book.

Comment for S2:
1. Added CHS and CHT subtitles from Airota;
2. Integrated NCOP, NCED and MV from ServicePack 08, added BD Box Menu 01-06;
3. Cut overly long audio tracks for SP Menu01-06 and CHINO Birthday Party;
4. Removed redundant chapters from EP 01, 02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12 and SP CHINO Birthday Party;
5. Added scans from BD Volumes, BD Box and TV Guide Book: Miracle Blend.

Comment for Rabbit House Tea Party 2016:
1. Cut overly long audio track.

Comment for OVA Dear My Sister:
1. Added CHS and CHT subtitles from Airota;
2. Fixed incorrect SPCD naming and CD Metadata;
3. Added BD scan (purchased and scanned by our group member).

Comment for OVA Sing For You:
1. Replaced CHS and CHT subtitles from Airota;
2. Added scans for image song CD (purchased and scanned by our group member).

感谢所有参与制作者 / Thank to our participating members:
整理 / Collate:冰淇淋不是鸽子
复查 / QC:喵喵也不是鸽子
发布 / Upload:Yokawa:咕咕咕?
分流 / Seed:VCB-Studio CDN 分流成员(详细名单见主站)

感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
BD: U2
CD: 尤斯蒂娅●阿斯托利亚@幻之字幕组, Airota, [email protected], {bellgenius, kannagiumine, paihctom}@TSDM, [email protected] Scan: U2, [email protected], [email protected]

这份发布来自 VCB-Studio 每月老番重发计划。
我们计划在每月月中和月末,重发 VCB-Studio 曾经发布过的合集。选择的合集有这些特点:
1. 发布已久,公网已经或者几乎断种;
2. 存在制作错误或疏漏,尤其当存在补丁包修正;
3. 之前的发布为分卷或分季,适合补充一个系列合集。
2020 年 09 月,月中

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)









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