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Subtitles None Title: 撃てない警官 Title (romaji): Utenai Keikan Format: Renzoku Genre: Police suspense Episodes: 5 Broadcast network: WOWOW Broadcast period: 2016-Jan-10 to 2016-Feb-07 Air time: Sunday 22:00
Synopsis One day, Inspector Shibasaki Reiji of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department's General Affairs Department is made to take responsibility for the inexplicable suicide of a direct subordinate and demoted to a police precinct despite being among a small number of elite candidates in the police force. Reiji received a phone call from his boss Nakata instructing him to allow his subordinate Kazuhiko Kido, who previously suffered from depression, to take part in shooting training. Reiji followed the instructions, but Kazuhiko killed himself soon after receiving a handgun from him. Reiji was interrogated, but his boss denied making the phone call regarding Kazuhiko. Who made the phone call?
While Reiji showers love on his wife and child, he has had no qualms about using intimidation on fellow police officers in order to get ahead in his career. Realising that he has been set up, he devises a plan not only to shed light on the truth, but make a return to the career track. -- Jdrama Weblog
Cast Tanabe Seiichi as Shibasaki Reiji Ishiguro Ken as Nakata Nakagoshi Noriko as Shibasaki Yukino Takahashi Kazuya Kabe Amon Hizuki Hana Sugata Shun (菅田俊) Tomosaka Rie Shimada Kyusaku Yamamoto Gaku