[VCB-Studio] RWBY 四色战记 10-bit 1080p HEVC BDRip [WEB Vol.1-Vol.4 + SP Fin]

动漫搬运工 2020-1-12 421


四色战记 / RWBY Vol.1-Vol.4 BDRip
10-bit 1080p HEVC + AC3,MKV 格式。每话约 500 MB 到 1.5 GB。

RWBY Vol.1-4 这部作品由负责整理的黑羽同学提名。
RWBY Vol.1-4 was nominated by our group member 黑羽, who also took charge of the collation for this project.

RWBY 是我们做过的最繁琐的项目,容易出错的地方极多。5 年之前,我们与 EMTP-Raws 合作出过 Vol.1,那时我的评价是“因为风格和常见的日本动漫差异实在太大,所以如果画质和你想象的相差十万八千里,切勿纠结。如果你看到任何锯齿、色带、色块、欠码 ... 记住,那是特效。"

五年之后,尽管制作的手段技术和工具流程已经大幅进步,我们依旧没有办法完美地处理这部与常见日式动漫格格不入的美漫。原盘主要问题是极其严重的锯齿和色带,对于锯齿,我们只能先将原盘缩回 540p,将锯齿也缩小至可处理的尺度,再去除锯齿,重构到 1080p。对于色带,只能采用较为强力的涂抹。两种操作各自独立,使得线条和背景处理互不干扰,最大限度保证弱纹理不受破坏。

RWBY 的特典也非常丰富,而且规格不一,只能具体内容具体分析。有些跟正片无甚关联的广告就直接跳过去了。后续 Vol.5-7 放流完毕后,我们会继续制作。

RWBY is the most troublesome project we have ever seen, thanks to its ridiculous error-proneness throughout our encoding process. Our previous work (Vol.1), in collaboration with EMTP-Raws, was published five years ago. My remark back then was "Because it looks so different from Japanese animes we commonly watch, if the image quality is nowhere near you are expecting, try to chill. Any aliasing, colour banding or blocking you see, or lack of bitrate ... they are special effects meant to be there!"

Five years has passed, and encoding tools and methods have greatly improved. Yet we are still unable to make this atypical American-made anime comply to our standard of perfection as we have always been doing for its Japanese counterparts. Severe aliasing and banding are the main issues found in the Blu-ray source. As far as aliasing is concerned, we first downscaled the source to 540p. By doing so the aliases were small enough to get processed by an anti-aliasing filter. The output was then reconstructed back to 1080p. When it comes to colour banding, aggressive smearing was our only option. The two processing techniques independently fixed lines and background colours, so that damages to delicate textures were kept to a minimum.

RWBY has a wide range of SP contents. They come with different issues and were treated accordingly. PP for some commercials that have little to do with the main episodes were skipped. We are going to continue this project once sources for Vol.5-7 are released.

给 LP 挖了个坑,然后大家一起进了火葬场。(LP:你自己提的番,哭着也给我整理完。) —— 黑羽
I don't know where we should go. Just feeling farther from our goal. I don't know what path we will be shown. But I know that I'm with you I'm at home. —— icefires

感谢所有参与制作者 / Thank to our participating members:
总监 / Script:想要报警的LittlePox
压制 / Encode:想要报警的永不回头
整理 / Collate:想要报警的黑羽
复查 / QC:想要报警的icefires, 想要报警的LittlePox
发布 / Upload:想要报警的Tom
分流 / Seed:想要报警的VCB-Studio CDN分流成员(详细名单见主站)

感谢所有资源提供者 / Thank to all resource providers:
Scan: 匿名@U2, [email protected]
CD: [email protected]

本资源扫图格式为 WebP,浏览详情请参见 https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949。
Please refer to https://vcb-s.com/archives/7949 if you have trouble viewing WebP images.

基础播放器教程: PotPlayer / MPC-HC / IINA
进阶播放器教程: madVR / PotPlayer+madVR / mpv
中文字幕分享区: VCB-Studio 分享论坛(请善用搜索)
项目计划与列表: VCB-Studio 项目列表(每月初更新)

Comparison (right click on the image and open it in a new tab to see the full-size one)









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