CROSS ANGE 天使与龙的轮舞 / CROSS ANGE Tenshi to Ryuu no Rondo / クロスアンジュ 天使と竜の輪舞 BDRip
作为 10 年前日升出品的机战片,制作不可谓不突出,细节、动态丰富(崩坏也很丰富),色彩艳丽,线条锐利。可惜此片以极其严重的锯齿和振铃闻名,画质总体一言难尽。制作原生 720,由于官方选用的拉升算法难堪大任,加上相当严重的后期锐化瑕疵,很多机械细节并没有得到有效展现。丰富的制作也让原盘编码相形见绌,艳丽的色彩反而让欠码波及 UV 平面。种种问题下,我们只好按顺序对各平面进行重建,同时辅以多重辅助手段保证重建效果不受干扰,然后是常规的抗锯齿、去振铃、去色带,最后自适应降噪。本片成品体积偏大,你可以理解成是日升最后的良心,鉴于此我们尽量做了保留。 The production of this mecha series by SUNRISE Studio a decade ago is undeniably remarkable, characterized by vibrant colors, sharp lines, and an abundance of subtlety, dynamic motion, and collapse. Unfortunately, known for immensely serious aliasing and ringing, the image quality leaves much to desire. Due to the incompetent upscaling algorithm officially employed and the severe artifacts introduced by sharpening, little mecha delicacy is effectively revealed with a native resolution of 720. The abundant production also poses challenges for encoding, as the vibrant colors ultimately induce the UV plane to be affected by insufficient bitrate. Given these compounded issues, we inevitably reconstructed each plane sequentially while incorporating several auxiliary techniques to minimize interference, and conventional anti-aliasing, de-ringing, de-banding, and adaptive denoising were subsequently performed. The oversized final product can be regarded as the sole remaining conscience of SUNRISE Studio, which we endeavored to retain.