部分剧集内封评论音轨。 Certain episodes contain commentary tracks.
这个项目与 SweetSub 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。 This project is in collaboration with SweetSub. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
原盘画质较好,原生分辨率在 900.2p 附近波动。原盘线条有较明显的拉伸导致的锯齿和模糊问题,我们使用自适应逆向拉伸重构,配合传统的抗锯齿和去振铃手段来处理。原盘平面质量尚可,我们只进行了轻度去色带和自适应降噪处理。 The source quality is better than average. The native resolution is around 900.2p. Lines have more obvious aliasing and blurring caused by the interpolation algorithm found in the original source. To deal with this, we applied adaptive descaling and reconstruction combined with traditional anti-aliasing and de-ringing means. The flat area quality of the source is decent, so we performed lightly de-banding and adaptive denoising.
由于本片 BD 没有收录 Web Preview,特典里的 Web Preview 使用的是流媒体片源,画质较差,建议看个亮。 Since the BD does not contain a Web Preview, the Web Preview in the bonus features a web source, which quality is poor, so just watching it casually.