部分剧集内封评论音轨。 Certain episodes contain commentary tracks.
这个项目与 千夏字幕组 & 喵萌奶茶屋 合作,感谢他们精心制作的字幕。 This project is in collaboration with Airota&Nekomoe kissaten. Thanks to them for elaborating Chinese subtitles.
本片原盘的画面经过分析,原生分辨率为720p。整个画面的线条均出现了不同程度的锯齿现象,色度平面的锯齿尤为突出。在对亮度和色度平面分开进行单独修正后得到了令人满意的结果,并且一定程度上提升了整个画面的锐度。由于动画本身高复杂度的油画画面对编码器是不小的挑战,在进行了合理的降噪后,选取了连国家电网看了都要流泪的编码参数完成了将体积控制在约1.3G一集的同时保证几乎一致观感的挑战。 The effective resolution of the original source is around 720p and packed with aliasing. We treat the luma plane and the chroma planes separately and get a satisfying result. Also, the “oil painting" of the anime push the image complexity to another level which is challenging to the x265 encoder. We've tweaked the encoder settings carefully to keep resonable file size as well as the visual quality.
Reseed comment: 1. Renamed the previously version released through Airota&Nekomoe kissaten; 2. Fix errors in the labeling of chapters in certain episodes; 3. Misc CD changes to meet our current standards.
感谢所有资源提供者 / Thanks to all resource providers: CD: {Leonne,Zombieanne}@jpop
本次发布来自 VCB-Studio 旧作重发计划。我们会不定期重发过去发布过的合集,或为补充做种,或为修正制作错漏,或为整合系列合集。 This is a release of VCB-Studio Reseed Project. We would re-upload previous torrents from time to time, to resurrect old torrents with few seeders, to correct errors/omissions, or to batch separate releases that belong to a same series.